Zene was first brought to the vet on Saturday, November 18th, because she developed a fever of 105 degrees. She received antibiotics and sub-q fluids but continued to sustain a high fever and was brought to an emergency vet hospital on Sunday where she received IV antibiotics, a fever reducer and a fentanyl pain patch. Her fever finally broke, and she came home to rest.
On Monday morning, she was rushed back to the ER vet where she was diagnosed with “Acute Septic Mastitis” also known as Gangrenous mastitis. Her first of several surgeries was performed on Monday afternoon. She spent several days in the ICU receiving 24 hour wound care for the drains placed in and around the necrotic tissue. Her next is scheduled surgery is after Thanksgiving weekend.
Please send well wishes to her on her long road to recovery.
The Goodies were old enough to be weaned and are doing well despite Zene not being able to be with them. I have posted a few new videos on Instagram and hope to get photos uploaded to the Smugmug. Thank you for your patience in this difficult time.